Proud To Live In…

PROUD to Live in BALLYFERMOT is a preschool/primary school book, designed to engage pupils from Dublin 10 by enabling them to explore their community and learn of the history and hidden gems within it.

A positive and educational publication, it comprises a series of activities and exercises for Preschoolers/Junior Infants up to 6th Class. These activities are all based on the locality and require participating pupils to take a closer look around them, immerse themselves in their community and take pride in where they live.

Thanks to the dedication and hard work of representatives from each of the local primary schools, a preschool, local youth services Candle and FamiliBase and the local CDETB Adult Education Services, this book will be an integral part of the learning process for pupils in the area, throughout their preschool and primary education.

As well as reminding them why Ballyfermot is a great place to live, the completed book will be a source of great pride and nostalgia in the future.

Click on the below image to access the full digital version.

Below is a list of helpful resources and links – some of which are required for exercises in the book.

Local Amenities

The Light Bellied Brent Goose Schools’ Project (Ref: Senior Infants page 11)

Local People

Local History