Digital Hub

The Emu Ink Digital Hub is a very exciting development, to aid in the telling of your story for years to come…

In keeping with our aim to give all young people a voice through the publication of their writing, we are delighted to provide this additional avenue for expression and documentation of your stories, through Microsoft’s Flipgrid!

Once you have written your stories for your chosen Emu Ink published book use the login details provided to you to access your very own hub page. Here you will have the ability to record yourselves reading your stories to camera, or off camera for audio only, and sharing them with each other.

Generate discussion around your stories, assess each others’ work – record and document historical times, like the current Coronavirus pandemic, and help teach the future pupils of your school about it, through your eyes.

Enjoy the many exciting features along the way as you make and record history!

Go To Our Digital Hub
